Multilateral City Diplomacy




Global City Network for Sustainability (G-NETS)
The Tokyo Metropolitan Government has established a new international network, the Global City Network for Sustainability (G-NETS), for the world's cities to engage in discussions and share their knowledge and expertise to find solutions to common urban challenges, with the ultimate aim of making society sustainable.
Sustainable Recovery Tokyo Forum
The TMG has been working to implement a "sustainable recovery" that contributes to the world's efforts to address climate change and to achieving an economic revival from the COVID-19 pandemic so that people can enjoy a vibrant, sustainable way of living. The TMG hosted the "Sustainable Recovery Tokyo Forum (Re StaRT)" to promote this sustainable recovery as a goal for the world.
Urban 20 (U20)
Urban 20 (U20) is an initiative developed in 2017 under the leadership of Mayor of Buenos Aires and Mayor of Paris, convened by C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group (C40), in collaboration with United Cities and Local Governments (UCLG). The U20 seeks to develop a joint position and collective messages to inform and enrich the discussions of national leaders at the G20 Summit with the unique urban perspectives. Tokyo participated in the U20 from 24 January 2018.

Multilateral Practical Cooperation Projects

Tokyo is advancing practical cooperation projects among cities of the world.This will contribute to resolving challenges faced by the major cities of the world and promote collaboration and exchange among them.

Platform for Technology and Industry
This project aims to use the industries, technologies and human resources that support economic activity in the Asian region to resolve issues common to major Asian cities, and bring about further growth and development.
Network for Crisis Management
Cities work together to enhance crisis management capabilities by sharing experiences and expertise on a range of risks faced by major cities, including natural disasters, and engaging in training and educating staff.
Tokyo Global Partners Seminar
This program provides a platform for inter-city exchange and promotes practical cooperation among leading world cities through the sharing of opinions and experiences related to their priority challenges.
APAF-Asian Performing Arts Forum
This festival aims to encourage the growth, promote greater cultural exchange, improve the quality of Asian performing arts, discover talented artists and outstanding work, and develop a global market for their promotion and distribution.
Junior Sports Exchange
Junior athletes, who will be the next generation of players, come together in sports exchanges to improve their physical and mental skills. While deepening mutual understanding and building friendships that transcend borders, the program works to raise the overall competitiveness of Asia and cultivate future world-class athletes.
Tokyo International Youth Football (U-14) Tournament
Young players from around the world who will be the top athletes of the next generation are given the chance to build inter-cultural understanding, with a view to improving competitiveness and nurturing new soccer talent.
Advanced Urban Planning Initiatives Project
Working-level exchanges among developed cities engaged in advanced urban planning initiatives are held to share information and know-how concerning urban development challenges facing Tokyo.
Urban and Global Environment Problems
This project implements various programs in line with the needs of participating cities to address a range of environmental issues common to large cities, including climate change, air quality and waste management.
Countermeasures to Combat Infectious Diseases in Asia
This is a network of personnel from Asian cities who are engaged in infectious disease control. The network collaborates in organizing project meetings and joint research and surveys to improve measures to combat infectious diseases in Asia.
Welcome to Asia Campaign
Participating cities exchange information and work to promote themselves as attractive tourist destinations for visitors from Western countries, Oceania and other countries in Asia by highlighting their unique industries and urban infrastructure.
Staff Capacity Enhancement Program
Courses are provided for administrative personnel and specialists in areas such as the environment, water supply, sewerage and wastewater management, and medical care.

Initiatives and Achievements To Date

Asian Network of Major Cities 21 (ANMC21)


ANMC21 was established in 2001 to enhance the international profile of the Asian region by strengthening ties among the capitals and major cities of Asia. The network also collaborate in addressing common challenges such as crisis management, the environment and promotion of industry, and apply the accomplishment of such efforts to the prosperity and development of the Asian region.

In addition to holding annual plenary meetings attended by the leaders of member cities, the network has also conducted joint projects aimed at resolving common issues.

In 2014, member cities conducted a thorough review of the ANMC21 program, and activities are currently suspended. Joint projects that were organized by Tokyo are being continued as part of the city's activities (see Multilateral Practical Cooperation Projects, above).

(2)Participating Cities

Bangkok, Delhi, Hanoi, Jakarta, Kuala Lumpur, Manila, Seoul, Singapore, Taipei, Tokyo, Tomsk, Ulaanbaatar, Yangon (13 cities)

(3)Website for ANMC21

Interaction Asia

Interaction Asia was an online newsletter issued regularly to participants of Tokyo's training programs and international students studying at the Tokyo Metropolitan University. It introduces the activities of the Tokyo Metropolitan Government, the best practices of the cities of Asia, and interviews with program participants and students. Visit the following site to see the archives.

  • Interaction Asia's final issue came out in March 2016
  • There may be some links that do not open.